Video Image Alt Tags - Organic Search Engine Optimization -

- Now we are going to look at your website images. The images of your website should be placed in the correct folder to assign them to the search engines so they pick up in Google Images, Google Pictures, Yahoo Images, MSN image areas.

So, you want make sure that your files are organized appropriately. Going to go back to the example, let’s just say “” and I’m placing the logo. I’m going to put “images/seologo.gif.” Now, the key here is that I’ve placed for the search engines to go directly into the images folder.

Now, for the seologo.gif, what we are actually going to do is assign an alt tag so the search engine can read the image or place words in place of the image in case the image does not appear. The alt tag will be written as follows, and at the end of the image source you can put “alt=seo logo.” This is going to allow you when you rollover with the mouse, for “seo logo” to actually appear and for it to be relevant and linked to “seo logo” and when somebody is searching on the search engine itself, you’ll have the keywords embedded in both the file name and also the alt tag itself.

This is the proper way to organize your images and also be sure to assign names to your images so there not just placed as “seopic12.gif.” You would actually want it to be assigned a proper name. You also want an alt tag that reflects the file name.
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Shared:  14 years, 5 months ago

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