Video House of Adam Trailer


"Intense, emotional and evoking a riveting supernatural edge, this tale revolves around “Adam” (Jared Caldwell), a kind-hearted recluse living in a serene small town, who is brutally murdered by a trio of young religious fanatics. Adam’s closeted lover Anthony (John Shaw), a Police Detective, is forced to live with the guilt and sorrow of having kept their relationship hidden from view while living in their cozy but isolated cabin. ronically, Anthony eventually becomes victim of his own double-sided values as he is placed in charge of unraveling the murder and unearthing the body of his former lover. Things take a bizarre turn when an innocent newlywed couple purchases the cabin and Adam’s spirit haunts the premises, making life in their new home a nightmarish and terrifying ordeal.
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Medium:  Video
Hinzugefügt:  vor 14 Jahren, 10 Monaten

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